May 2022 to October 2023
Start and end of a former project with pupils from Hamar katedralskole and Gertrud Luckner Gewerbeschule about European identity: Beyond Borders
August 2023
Application for Erasmus+ was prepared by school leaders in Freiburg and sent for approval.
October 2023
Teachers from Freiburg and Hamar agreed on the framework of our project during a meeting in Hamar.
Happy teachers from Germany and Norway in front of Hamar katedralskole
December 2023
Application approved and the project is financially secured.
​​​​​​​Visit to Hamar Katedralskole by expert on climate change, Thomas Cottis. ​​​​​​​
He has written several public reports about climate change, works as a researcher and lecturer at Høgskolen Innlandet, department of of agriculture and is one of the leaders in "The Grandparents' Climate Campaign" in Norway. He has contributed to a couple of movies about climate change in Norway. 
February 2024
German students studied Riso print, a sustainable printing method using ecofriendly paper and ink. The different layouts and prints will be used in the upcoming exhibition.
In connection with the Riso print workshop the design students worked on posters and how to present climate change in graphic design.
A look into the riso print technology
A look into the riso print technology
The colors are made from biologically chemicals
The colors are made from biologically chemicals
March 2024
13 students and 3 teachers from Hamar visited Freiburg working on the ideas for our first exhibition. The students met from 3rd to 8th of March doing teamwork and socializing. 
German students presented different corporate design work. Later the whole group, Germans and Norwegians, decided which design to use for the project. 
The program involved visual assignments like making tape art, photo sessions, design work etc. We also visited the exhibition location WaldHaus Freiburg, sharing meals together and walking around the city center. 
Presenting different visual designs for the project
Presenting different visual designs for the project
Pupils sozializing
Pupils sozializing
Voting over the visual identity program
Voting over the visual identity program
Taking portrait photos for the exhibition 2nd of May
Taking portrait photos for the exhibition 2nd of May
Tape art project as team building event
Tape art project as team building event
Working in classroom
Working in classroom
GLG in Bissierstraße
GLG in Bissierstraße
GLG in Kirchstraße
GLG in Kirchstraße
Visiting the WaldHaus in Freiburg
Visiting the WaldHaus in Freiburg
April 2024
Teachers from Germany and Norway have put up an exhibition in the WaldHaus Freiburg together with pupils from Gertrud Luckner Gewerbeschule. The exhibition was opened on the 2nd of May. 
WaldHaus Freiburg
WaldHaus Freiburg
Students and teachers preparing the exhibition in the WaldHaus
Students and teachers preparing the exhibition in the WaldHaus
Poster using the graphic design manual
Poster using the graphic design manual
Framing the pyroprints
Framing the pyroprints
Working on a sculpture outside the gallery
Working on a sculpture outside the gallery
Making a timeline of the project
Making a timeline of the project
Atle Kornberg (Norwegian head of media department at Hamar katedralskole), Martin Eiserman (teacher at GLG), Margaret Hansen (manager of the WaldHaus gallery and Christiane Begatik (head of media department at GLG)
Atle Kornberg (Norwegian head of media department at Hamar katedralskole), Martin Eiserman (teacher at GLG), Margaret Hansen (manager of the WaldHaus gallery and Christiane Begatik (head of media department at GLG)
May 2024
Teachers from both schools arranged a field trip into the forest to see forest management in a time of climate change. It included how to establish new types of vegetation, hunting to keep a balance in nature and the commercial aspect of sustainable harvesting of trees.

Looking at the damage done to the forest due to warmer weather, drought and parasites.
Looking at the damage done to the forest due to warmer weather, drought and parasites.
Inspecting a hunters tower in the forest
Inspecting a hunters tower in the forest
Too many deers causes damage to the young trees
Too many deers causes damage to the young trees
Great biodiversity in the forest makes a more robust forrest
Great biodiversity in the forest makes a more robust forrest
A view of the Alps from Bernau in Schwarzwald
A view of the Alps from Bernau in Schwarzwald
A lot of trees in Schwarzwald are dying due to climate change
A lot of trees in Schwarzwald are dying due to climate change
A dying forrest is vulnerable to drought, wind and heavy rain
A dying forrest is vulnerable to drought, wind and heavy rain
Exhibition opening
The exhibition opened at 18:00 on the 2nd of May
Job shadowing at Hamar katedralskole
Three teachers from Freiburg visited Norway from the 30th of September to 6th of October. The joined two media projects: Analog photo and tape art. The tape art project was filmed, you can see the movie here: 
Exhibition in Hamar 2025
Both schools will be preparing a new exhibition. Some of the artwork from WaltHaus Freiburg will be brought to Norway. New pupils will participate and develop new artworks. A group of pupils and teacher will arrive in Hamar 6th of April 2025. The exhibition will open 10th of April in Hamar kulturhus and be available for the public until 19th of May. 

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